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Antonella Buranello

Veneto, Italy

I am a qualified Gestalt Psychotherapist and the founder of the Mindful Longevity Academy, as well as a co-founder of Social Mindfulness Italia. I was trained in Mindfulness, Compassion and Insight at the Mindfulness Association. I am a Mindfulness and Compassion trainer for the Innersight Mindfulness Association Italia. For the past 10 years, I have been teaching Mindfulness-based training such as MBLC (Mindfulness-Based Living Course) and MBEC (Mindfulness-Based Elder Care). Moreover, I have over 20 years of experience working in the elder care sector and teaching at the Second Level Short Specialization in Psychology of Aging and Longevity.

I co-authored ”A ceremony of Losses: Mindfulness for Elders and Caregivers” with Lucia McBee, which was published in the ”Handbook of Mindfulness-based Programmes. Mindfulness Interventions from Education to Health and Therapy.” I have also contributed to numerous community-based wellbeing promotion projects, using an integrated approach. Furthermore, I have been trained in Positive Organisations development and I am a member of the Complexity Institute.

My aim is to promote collective wellbeing and common good in a sustainable and inclusive way. Therefore, Social Mindfulness represents the necessary turning point in mindfulness training. In Italy, Social Mindfulness Italia and Innersight Mindfulness Association Italia have delivered the first Social Mindfulness training run by Mark Leonard. Currently, and we are continuing to disseminate this approach and the MBOE program under the supervision of Mindfulness Connected.

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